Saturday, May 14, 2011

welcome! (and shopping)

I made this blog two years ago and only made one post. Today, I've decided to start using it more often since I'm becoming more and more obsessed with keeping record of my daily life. Fortunately, my day was interesting and I actually have something to blabber on about.

Lately my mom has been very understanding with me and my teenage female ~needs~ and has taken me to a few thrift shops in the towns surrounding my own. A few weekends ago they were all closed and we decided to give it another try this weekend. We visited a few thrift shops and a (quite expensive) boutique. I looked for pretty skirts and dresses but my much-too-small body and much-too-picky taste prevented me from finding anything. I spotted a few vinyl records, but alas, I own no turntable. After my unsuccessful search for clothes, I resorted to looking through books, CDs, and home decor but I didn't find much there either. At some point, I spotted these plain brown loafers that were only $3 and I immediately adored them. They're so cute :3

My little sister kept calling them "old-lady shoes" while laughing and my father and mother asked with troubled looks on their faces: "Are you sure you want those?" I suppose they still haven't realized that I'm not much of a typical teenager, but whatever.

These two pictures don't capture the true color of the shoes at all (they are actually the color of the first picture) but they're for a closer look.

Finally after shopping we stopped by a grocery store and bought some fruit. After that, we stopped by Barnes and Noble where my parents bought The Secret  by Rhonda Byrne as a gift for someone. I looked around for No Direction Home, the Bob Dylan documentary by Martin Scorsese, but instead found this book that was on sale for $6.98

I might scan some pictures and upload them at some point if I don't forget or become too lazy. But here's a sneak peek:

and that's my day in a nutshell! I had such a good time with my family and I'm grateful for the things that I bought. 

P.S. I promise to improve my writing skills for future posts. :)

(psst- click on any image to view it larger)