Friday, March 9, 2012

another's memories

The lovely Oriana (who runs this Tumblr blog and this blogspot) and I snail-mailed each other disposable cameras with which each of us took photographs of our daily sights. It was quite strange for me to send my photographs out for someone else to get developed instead of doing it myself, but at the same time I was thoroughly excited for the little exchange. I enjoyed taking my photos and even more, I enjoy looking through hers. It is like delving into her mind and being able to experience her life for a second at a time. It is almost like looking through old, forgotten photographs--remembering lost and faded memories.

She has such an eye for the beautiful and simple sights of daily life, just take a look:

Take a step or two 
in someone else's shoes,
why don't you?


1 comment:

nicole said...

this is such a cool idea. really want to try this with my friends sometime.