Sunday, August 14, 2011

White Room

Actual blogging has proved to be unattractive to me and that is why I have abandoned this place once again even after I said I wouldn't. I simply do not have anything exciting to post. That's not to say that my life is boring-- because it hasn't been all summer--but there are just some things I can't blog about.

I have been obsessed with minimalism lately and I've already taken a few steps into ridding my room of the unnecessary. I never knew I had so many things! The process is ongoing and considerably painful but it is worth the mental, and even spiritual, comfort that it brings. 

Even my pictures have taken on a minimalist appearance! I am glad that I never insisted on painting my room a dreadful color because its whiteness is beautiful, especially on those bright mornings when sunlight shines through the window blinds causing patterns on the walls and floor. 

I took the first picture yesterday after having braided my mom's hair (she asks me to do so a lot lately) and then attempting to braid my own. The result was messy but I thought it looked awfully pretty. Unfortunately the braid fell apart after a few hours. 

The third picture is of my wall with a lonesome Beatles' photograph mounted on it. The second picture, I believe I don't need to describe, but I will admit that I spend more time playing with and photographing my food than I spend actually eating it. It's a silly but joyful habit of mine. 

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